Thursday 5 November 2009

Mr Roboto

Mr Roboto is alive!..... well, nearly alive.
Today, I started to build a robot is 3D Max using all that I have learnt about so far - box moddeling, using standard primitives and extended primitives. Editable meshes and modifiers.
The 2 images above show the head of the robot as well as its neck and part of its upper torso. Also you can notice that I extruded parts of it so that it looks like it has ears and eyes. The hardest part of making the model so far was when i was extruding the edges and ahd to get help whith adding vertexes and joining them up so it covered the holes.
Below you can see where I added a section on top of its head. I extruded two a point on its head and as the object was mirrored i also did it on the opposite side. I then added a Torus Knot in between teh two extruded points. What I forgot was that the object was mirrored and it added and extra knot. Luckily it turned out alright.
The two images below show that I created a cylinder and bent it before attatching it to the main body of the robot. Again because the object is mirrored, it created an arm on teh opposite side. I then created a pyramid and resized it so that it would fit on the end of the robots arms to make a type of hand/spike for it. I also extended the body of the robot so it now goes down to about its waist height.

To complete the model I would say I would need a couple of hours to finish it off. Nto because it would be difficult, but more because I still need to get used to all the controls and what the buttons do.