Thursday 7 April 2011

Nearly There

Over the next couple of weeks we will be finishing our trailers and pieceing them all together. On wednesday me and Robin worked in the recording studio to create a piece of music to go with the trailer. Wether the audio really fits with the theme of the trailer is debateable but it was still really fun to do, even though I've not picked up a guitar in nearly a year.
There is jsut a little bit of editing to do to put all the guitars and drums in position and transition from one style to the other. We also recorded some general sound effects such as foot steps to be used in the trailer as atmospherics.

My 3D work is very cloe to completion, I'm currently halfway through texturing my enviornment, the lighting has been added and will have slight adjustments made when I've fuly textured everything, after that it's adding the camera and rendering out my scene.