Thursday 31 March 2011

Environment Video

Yesterday (Wed 30th March) I continued work on my environment. As I had completed the layout of the environment, I started working on the lighting. I am using two main types of lighting for my environment - Target Spotlights and Omni lights as well as an atmospheric type of lighting- Fog.

For the Target lights I am using them as lights on the ceiling pointing to the floor - an example of that is in one of my earleir posts when I first showed off the corridor. I basically create a cone shape to be the lighting and then add the target spotlights facing towards the floor from that cone. I then change the parameters so the cone of lights is visible but not too bright. I am adding htese lights mainly in teh corners of the environment as too many of them will alter the lighting and add too much.

The other type of lightin gI am using are Omni lights. These are basically sources of light. Where you place the Omni light, the area around that point lights up based on the settings of the light. Like the Target spotlights, I will be adding Omni lights at key places for maximum coverage of light without it being too lit up.

The video below is another test video, similar to the first test video I did. This video was to test how my fog looked as well as a small test to see how the lighting was. After I tweak the setting a bit more, I will add the textures and be ready to render the final trailer.

Please not the video was made using only 75 odd frames and the video clip renders out at about 25 frames per second, so the camera does move quite fast.

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