Thursday 7 April 2011

Nearly There

Over the next couple of weeks we will be finishing our trailers and pieceing them all together. On wednesday me and Robin worked in the recording studio to create a piece of music to go with the trailer. Wether the audio really fits with the theme of the trailer is debateable but it was still really fun to do, even though I've not picked up a guitar in nearly a year.
There is jsut a little bit of editing to do to put all the guitars and drums in position and transition from one style to the other. We also recorded some general sound effects such as foot steps to be used in the trailer as atmospherics.

My 3D work is very cloe to completion, I'm currently halfway through texturing my enviornment, the lighting has been added and will have slight adjustments made when I've fuly textured everything, after that it's adding the camera and rendering out my scene.

Thursday 31 March 2011

Environment Video

Yesterday (Wed 30th March) I continued work on my environment. As I had completed the layout of the environment, I started working on the lighting. I am using two main types of lighting for my environment - Target Spotlights and Omni lights as well as an atmospheric type of lighting- Fog.

For the Target lights I am using them as lights on the ceiling pointing to the floor - an example of that is in one of my earleir posts when I first showed off the corridor. I basically create a cone shape to be the lighting and then add the target spotlights facing towards the floor from that cone. I then change the parameters so the cone of lights is visible but not too bright. I am adding htese lights mainly in teh corners of the environment as too many of them will alter the lighting and add too much.

The other type of lightin gI am using are Omni lights. These are basically sources of light. Where you place the Omni light, the area around that point lights up based on the settings of the light. Like the Target spotlights, I will be adding Omni lights at key places for maximum coverage of light without it being too lit up.

The video below is another test video, similar to the first test video I did. This video was to test how my fog looked as well as a small test to see how the lighting was. After I tweak the setting a bit more, I will add the textures and be ready to render the final trailer.

Please not the video was made using only 75 odd frames and the video clip renders out at about 25 frames per second, so the camera does move quite fast.

Thursday 17 March 2011

3D Work Update 2

Last week I wrote a post talking about how my 3D work was progressing or not due to th problems I ahd when "Flipping the Normals", I'm very happy to report this week that I've restarted that particular environment from scratch and got a fully built series of corridors all welded together with all of the Normals inverted so I can light the interior.

The next tasks on my list are to sort the lighting out - which is causing me a few problelms as when I create the lights, I click off them to move them to a better position and when I click to edit the lighting, the options are not available for me. Once I have that little problem sorted I can easily duplicate the lighting for the rest of the environment.

Finally I need to get my textures on it. I have just about all of the textures I want to use, but I need to resize themso they will work properly. But Once I have hte hang of that and get the first couple of textures on and got the hang of it, I'll be able to texture th erest with ease.

Once all that is done, I just have to render out the animation with the use of the camera and setting up the timeline.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Final Team Story Board

Below is the final version of our team storyboard showing what is going to happen in the entire trailer:

From this plan we will know what order to put our clpis together in and what needs to be made.
Everyone in our team has agreed to this plan as we discussed this in a team meeting on Wednesday and went through all the details and everyone should know what they need to do for their section of the trailer.

3D Work Update

I thought I would give a quick update on how my 3D work is progressing - or should I say how it isn't. Over the last couple of weeks I have been having increasingly annoying technical difficulties when trying to put all the pieces together. This is mainly in tihe form that "flipping the normals" keeps breaking - I select the entire box to flip them but when I click "Flip Normals" only a small portion of them flip even though I selected all of the faces. When I try to fix the normals it keeps repeating the same problems it just flips random normals even though I select specific faces. This is making it impossible to continue on that particular save and so I've had to restart several times now with several hours worth of work time wasted.
Physically my section is probably the easiest to make out of all of them, its just flipping the normals and sticking all the pieces together that is creating all of my problems.

Hopefully in this afternoons 3D class I will be able to progress further than I have manged to get so far.

Monday 7 March 2011

Texture Slideshow

The above slideshow showcases a series of photographs I took to use as potential textures. Also in the slideshow there are a couple of photos of buildings/shots I thought would make good inspiration. For example, the image of the church behind the trees. I took thath picture as it gave me inspiration similar to how I felt when you see Rapture for the first time in Bioshock when the camera moves over the hill. I get the same sense when I see part of the church in the distance mostly obscured by the trees.

As for the bulk of the shots, I took those picures as I thought I might be able to use them somewhere within my trailer. So I was mainly on the lookout for metal grids and grates that I could use as us flooring and greys and dark browns to be used as the walls.
I was speciically looking for darker colours as it would fit in more with the feel I want to achieve with my section of the trailer - dark, creepy, horror themed. As my section willl be of ruined corridors, my main focus is on the lighting as I feel it is the most crutial part of it. As the lights will be dark, brightly coloured textures would look out of place so I am trying to keep a common theme throughout.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Fox's Biscuits

The second advert he told us about the Fox's Biscuits with Vinnie the panda bear.
Even though the trailer is ten seconds long and can be watched by clicking HERE, the trailer cost considerably more. This ten second trailer cost over £1 million to make due to there being several problems and indecisiveness by Fox's biscuits over what it is they actually wanted. So it cost over £1m to make - way over the original budget and had over 120 staff working on it.
Some of the jobs the staff were doign was - photography, 3D modelling, lighting, catering, legal, poeple renting rooms and props, voice over artists
All of those costs built up and with Fox's Biscuits being indescisive about what they wanted, Double negative soon found themselves over budget and quickly running out of time before they finally managed to get a completed advert that the company liked.
Thankfully the advert was so popular, that 4 more were produced.