Thursday 25 November 2010

Adding Environment Effects

Today I learnt how to add basic environment effects such as fog to an environment I have created. I started by creating a plane and added a couple of pyramids to make a basic environment.

I then added a camera to get a good angle/perspective shots to work on.
To add the environment effects I go to rendering and select environment - I then added Fog and Volume Fog to the enironment.

Below are two examples of effects I have added t the pyramid environment -

I intend to keep on working on the environment effects so I have sufficient skill to add the effects to my main environments for the trailer I am making.

After working on adding Fog and Volume Fog, I then placed a target spot to the environment behind one of the pyramids. I started to change the colour of the lighting and added a lens effect to the spotlight. There are several types of lens effects you can choose from but the two I like combined the most are the "Star" and "Ray" effects. But I have still taken renders of the environment with different coloured lighting and lens effects.

The above image is the one I like the most. This is the render with the "Star", "Ray" and "Glow" effects.

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