Monday 29 November 2010

Team Plan

Today we had a team discussion about the presentations each of us did showing our intentions on what we intend to do in each of our trailer segments or what is needed to be added to the powerpoints.

Me - In my presentation I talked about using gothic styled architecture with the interiors with additions of skulls - church of bone , although it did come up that doing the lighting would be difficult to do. The exterior dam would have the addition of toxic waste added to it creating the green glows of toxicity. The characters would have a green hue - again to show they have radiation/toxicity. They would be clad in alot of plate mail armour - goithic style. The second seection of my environments is the oriental areas. In that section characters would have a samurai/oriental amour style and the environment themselves would have a japanese garden style to them.

Harisson - Harisson need to add more about historical weapons to compare witht he modern ones already chosen in his powerpoint and a little more research on the historical art work styles.

Robin - would be working on a futuristic waterworld - atlantis - with gothic and greek art styles, with additions such as pillars/arches. He will make use of tunnels - such as in bioshock, but these tunnels would have a toxic waste/water pouring into them. For the characters they would have a pirate style with the addition of masks that would help them surviv the environment - gas masks, divers masks etc

Corey - will be working on an Egyptian environment - pyramids, statues etc and the characters style would be that of the egyptian gods - ANubis, Seth, Ra etc.

The next step is wokring out how to tie all the environments into one streamlined content.

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