Thursday 13 January 2011

3D Design Plan

As our team are focusing on different aspects to be combined into the trailer - Harrison and Corey are working on exterior/outdoors environments, Robin is working on an interior for the medical section. However his side is where it is all pristine and clean. I am working on an interior section rather than an exterior/outdoors environment. It is my intention to create an environment of a medical facility but in opposite style to Robins version. Where he is making a portion of the facility all pristine and clean, I am wokring on the sections where the horror aspects are - dirt, blood, grime.

The following link will take you to an example of how I hope my environment section will look like:
Click here

Here are some screenshots taken from that example trailer -

My current plan is to draw the layout of my environment before I proceed in making it so i know where everything should go. If I manage to get the same feeling in the example trailer into my own work I will be very happy.

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