Wednesday 16 February 2011

Double Negative - Channel 4 Dubai Advert

As stated in the previous post, Lewis showed us 2 adverts that he had worked on and we talked about things such as its cost, how many people worked on it and what they did etc.

Click to see the Dubai/construction advert HERE

The brief for the advert was to show Channels 4 logo/number within the buildings that were under construction. In the advert there would have been about 40 people working on it all doing different things such as the helicopter pilot, 3D modellers, animation, photoshop artists.
Producing the advert took a couple of months for the filming of the ariel shots and hten for t he actual editing and adding the 3D buildings, shadows etc About 50% of hte buildings and cranes in the advert are 3D models.
The overall cost for the advert came to about £250,000. A quarter of a million for a 40 second advert.

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