Wednesday 16 February 2011

Double Negative

On monday we had an industry event where Lewis Guarniere from Double Negative came in and gave us a talk about what he does. He's a 3D modeller and on his current project he is responsible for adding veins and details to muscles on characters, but has doen 3D work for a variety of other projects.
Some of the projects that Double Negative ahve worked on are:
The Dark Knight
several of the Harry Potter films
These are some of the great films where Double Negative have provided digital graphics and post production details.

Lewis went on to talk about his position in the company and what his job involves and how he got to where he was from school, going through university to getting his first job in the industry as a "Runner" someone who runs about getting drinks for the staff and other similar jobs.
He also told us how much he was earning which was about £35k. His talk about his history and the work the company has done took about 2 hours. After lunch, when we all met up again, he gave us some example trailers/commercials the company had produced and asked us to write down things like -
how much did we think the commercial cost/budgeting?
How many staff were involved and what were their jobs?
What implications could there be - such as legal or health and safety issues.

He was impressed that we were taking so many different things in to account such job roles of staff, implications such as insurance, catering etc.

My Quote
"I found the presentation overall to be very interesting and gave lots of information. Even though it was more iamed at the movie/TV industry than the games, alot of it could be applied to the games industry. I learnt alot abou what goes in to the production and post production process as well as the huge amount of money that goes in to creating a TV trailer. A brilliant presentation and I would recommend talks like this being done again."

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