Wednesday 16 February 2011

Responses To Company Contacts

Or lack thereof...
A couple of weeks ago our team got together to send an email out to a few games companies to ask for information on how they make game trailers and how the industry works in general.
Below is a screenshot of the email I sent to the companies:

The letter was written with a degree of professionalism and told the reader who we were, asked our questions politely and also invited them to come and attend our digital showcase in May.
This emial was sent to 3 games companies -
- Lionhead Studios
- Bungie
- Naughty Dog

We chose those companies in specific because at least one of us were fans of games created by those companies and we all knew something about them. It also helped that I ws supposed to have done work experience with Lionhead a couple of years ago, however that fell through when they stopped it to start testing Fable 2. This meant my previous contact with Lionhead shoiuld have helped in writting to them and general contact with them.

About 2 weeks have passed since we sent the email and sadly none of hte companies have got back to us which is a shame. The only reply we got to our email was an automatic reply from Bungie thanking us for sending in a "bug report", which of course we didn't do. So we are a little dissapointed at the lack of response. However, while our team didn't get any replies, the other teams did. Some of the responses they got didn't have much information, one emial that Steve, of Intelecual Arcade, got back was full of information that answered most if not all the questions that all of the teams asked. Below is the response that they got, which Steve, kindly emiled on to us as we haven't got any replies.

The emil talks about the different roles/people involved in making a trailer, team sizes, the timeframe forcreating a trailer as well as mentioning a bit of the budgeting for them though he doesn't mention any prices as the costs can vary so much.

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