Monday 17 January 2011


What problems have I/will I encounter?
The following questions are the main constraints both me and my team have to consider about our project and all that is involved within it. These questions below will be filled in later on thios week after our next Team Meeting where we will discuss these questions as wella s the currebt state of the trailer.

How will the team work otogether/or not? -

Organisation, who is doing what and when for the client? -

Financial/budgets, How much would a project like this cost to produce? -

Legal, copyright, IP's, Patents? -

Deadlines - As we have not been given a dead line, I would set our team deadline for hte completion of the trailer to between two weeks a month before the digital showcase. This way the team will have time to polish the trailer and make sure everything is as good as it is going to get.

Rescources Available -

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