Wednesday 26 January 2011

Team Storytelling Reflection

The following will be a reflection on the presentations we gave yesterday that were about storytelling. The presentations were also recorded.

Above: The image above was the first presentation board and shows the work of myself (Work on left) who researched Folklore and Harrison (work on the right) who researcehd Viking/Norse storytelling and mythology.

Below: The image above shows the presentation board of team mates Robin (work n the left) who talked about the Aztecs and Corey (work on the right) who researched Egypt but talked about childrens nursery rhymes and stories.

Overall, how do you feel your presentation went?
Over all I feel that our presentation went quite well. We all spoke clearly about our chosen storytelling section - me with folklore, Robin with Aztec, Harrison with Norse/viking and Corey with general nursery rhymes and stories. Corey could have practised a litttle more on what he was going to say but other than that I think our presentation went well even thoguh we were having them recorded which was a last minute addition.

How long did your team take?
The preperation work for the presentation too a couple of weeks to gather the information and prepare what we were going to say and do. The presentation itself I think took about 15 minutes altogether, however I've not looked back on the recording for an official timing yet.

Was everyone prepared?
I think that the majority of people and teams were prepared and ready for giving their presentations. They all knew about their chosen storytelling methods and times though I thinkn it was that we were being recorded that threw poeple off a bit. As stated, having them recorded was decided just before the first presentation was to start and so it made people feel even more self conscious that they would have done if we weren't being recorded. As stated previously though, I do think Corey could hvae practised a little more on what he was going to say but other than that I think everyone from both my team and the others were prepared.

How did your audience react? were they positive, encouraged, distracting etc how did this make you feel?
I feel that our audience reactions and participation was quite positive and engaging. We asked the audience questions and go responses, they asked each of us questions which we were able to answer. I believe we havd the attention of the whole class while we were giving our presentation but I think their attention started to drift a bit towards the end of it. The fact that we were getting a positive reception to our presentation gave me more confidence when I was speaking and I hope the others in my team also got mre confidence.

Comment on yourself while doing the presentation- were you prepared, were you nervous, what can you do in future to improve this?
As I was the team leader I had to speak first; we were also the first team to give a presentation and going first always makes me nervous. However I think I did fairly well, I did mix my words a little when I started but as I went on I got more sure of myslef and spoke more confindently. I feel that I was prepared, I knew the subject I was talking about - Folklore and I knew the majority of hte story I had to tell, thoguh I did forget the name of the place it was set. During the telling of the story I did mix my words up again a bit but I think that I handled it well.
In the future, to improve myself I think I just need to memorise the names/places more and jsut to work on my speaking to an audience more and build my confidence.

Generally - what did you learn from doing this presentation? what can you take from your research to use in your team game
From doing this presentation I learnt about many different storytelling methods as well as stories that were told int hose various styles - Folklore, Viking/Norse, Aztec, Cherokee and more. Knowing thiese different storytelling styles and how the stories were written gives me a greater understanding on story construction and their meanings. I can then take that and use similar methods to write the story of our team game and incorperate the ideas into teh actual trailer.

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