Wednesday 19 January 2011

Trailer Plot and Character List

Character List -

Elizabeth Krasivaya - Main Character - a serial killer with one hand missing. She was imprisoned in the facility and only works with other for her own ends.

Dr L. Crosgrove - Lead scientist who performed the experiments on the inmates

Dr Cyka - another scientist who is slowly driven insanr by the situation. A cowardly person who only survived by leaving their friends/co-workers behind.

Doug - another serial killer who has survived but is reluctant to help anyone as he enjoys being in the overrun facility.

Plot Idea For Trailer -

The trailer starts with a sweeping panoramic shot of the frozen wasteland possibly in Siberia - te coldest habbitable place in the world. As the panoramic shot moves, a frozen dam comes into view. As the camera moves in on the dam the screen fades to black and a scream is heard.
The camera focuses back and the viewer is now in a coridor in what appears to be a medical prison facility.
Dr Crosgrove will be doing a voice over as the first interior shots are shown. All looks reasonably normal as the camera moves down the cold, lonely corridor. As the camera reaches the end of the corridor another scream is heard - the view turns back around and the corridor that you just walked down has changed into a nightmare - blood, grime and bloody handprints and trails are all over the walls and floor. The camera quickly moves down the changed corridor as horrible sounds start coming from the metal doors lining the walls.
The next several shots are of a ruined facility with blood and gore and horrible sounds.
The camera will zoom in on a person playing in the blood and gore - Doug. It will then cut to a shot of Dr Cyka huddled in a corner muttering.
The final shot of the trailer will be the camera slowly moving towards a cell door and looking in through the window. Inside teh camera will zoom on Elizabeth Krasivaya's scarred face.

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